Covid 19 heroes.jpg

“Lord, help those who are running towards danger,

Help the victims and offer them comfort,

Be with families who are impacted by this emergency.

Lord, be with all who are involved.”


Gracious God, You know that first responders ride an emotional roller coaster.

Even when their efforts are successful, things they see and do take an emotionally heavy toll.

Guard their hearts and minds,

Restore their mental and emotional resources when they have been depleted.

Let them not become weary in their good work.


 The maintenance workers job is non-compare,
they are first-rate, in their repair.

 Committed to their trade,
their dedication doesn’t fade.
They help make a cleaner place.

 When fixing wrongs to make them right,
they also need your guiding light.
Lord, watch over these people,
that you sent to us to fix and mend.